Visual editor

Why ?

Creating content in Dynamicweb’s backend were based on simple lists and text field and were not shown very visible. This was an issue for the end customers. They could not visualise how the end-result would look like in frontend, when it was displayed in the backend administration. 


Make the platform more intuitive and visual when creating content! Users should easily drag and drop existing predefined designs into a page and edit its content such as text, images and videos.  Or build up their own page design

Responsibility areas

Product management, User experience, Demo content by Jennifer 
Frontend development by Karsten
Backend development by Jeppe, Vladimir, Stanislav
Quality Assurance by Merethe & Olga

For this product development I created mock ups regarding the user flow for the different functionalities for the visual editor, with the collaboration with the front-end and backend developers. Investigating the needs of a user when creating the visual content. I specified the implementation and testing tasks for the developers and QA’s and did functional test as well. Iterations were created based on the findings from the QA and the end customers. Rapido also uses the Dynamicweb’s Visual editor, where I created some demo content to present how it could be used on the Rapido content model.